In short, yes. For U5, U7 and U9, the board will determine if there are any conditions that are not favourable for the athletes to be out on the field and an email will be sent out to inform parents. For U11 and up, unless the rain or other type of weather create situations where the fields or players are deemed unsafe to play (an email will go out from the board to the coaches in these cases) cancelling of any game or practice is up to the coach. Please keep in mind that we follow ASA guidelines so "If thunder roars, go indoors" is the policy for thunder and/or lightning. Once thunder is present, teams need to wait 30 minutes from the last roar or flash of lightning in order to go back out onto the fields.
Our Spring Outdoor Season games begin in the beginning of May and practices start mid April, depending on the weather and state of the fields. The season ends the last week of June, with the possibility of make up games, year end tournament or provincials to follow. These are all part of the expected commitment to the team.
Please refer to the "Age Groups & Fees" page of our website, HERE.
4. I missed the registration deadline; can I still register my player on a team?
Please email with your request. Any registrations that are accepted and processed after the registration closing date of April 6, 2025 will be subject to a $30 late fee.
Refunds are only considered for medical reasons and assessed on an individual basis. Any approved refunds will be charged a $15 processing fee.
U5, U7 & U9 will be provided with a keepsake Timbits jersey. All other jerseys are club property and are required to be returned at the end of the season. All players within the Big Country Soccer Association (U11, U13, U15, and U17/19) will be required to provide a $100 jersey bond. This must be in the form of a post-dated cheque, which will be destroyed at the end of the season upon return of the player's jersey in good, clean, and reusable condition. Jersey bonds must be provided prior to a player receiving their jersey. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
If the U5 Pilot Program takes place, players must be at least 3 years old as of January 1st. The program will only proceed if there is a volunteer U5 Coordinator to work with the Soccer Board to manage logistics, parent participation (2 parents per group), and ensure enough interest and players to form teams. If the U5 Pilot Program does not proceed, children must of age to join the U7 age group. They are eligible to play up to age U19, therefore the player may not be older than 18 on January 1st of the year that they are registering, but they are permitted to play if they turn the age of 19 during that same year.
Upon registration, you can indicate your interest in an opportunity for the season. Board member positions become available at our AGM in November. Criminal Record Checks (CRC) are required each year and are supplied free of charge by the RCMP for non-profit groups but you will be required to bring a letter from the club. If you are planning on volunteering, you should apply for your CRC as soon as possible to ensure you have it prior to the beginning of the season. You are ineligible to coach for Olds Minor Soccer unless you have submitted your CRC.
At the entry levels, U5, U7 & U9, we encourage and welcome all volunteers. We have changed the format of the younger groups with stations and station coaches which helps relieve the stress of figuring out practice plans. U11 and up requires a bit more experience, but coaching clinics are available online and and in Olds and area.
Please visit the referee tab on the website for further information.
Shin guards, socks over shin guards, black shorts and cleats. Regular running shoes are acceptable for U5 and U7.
You will receive an email with the coach's information.
Please see the conflict resolution guide in the resources.
If a player resides in another town/area but chooses to play in Olds, they must register with the Olds Minor Soccer Club and pay the respective age-appropriate fees accordingly.
No. The Tournament Teams which have been arranged for U11, U13 and U15 players for the 2024 season is entirely separate from that of a Regular Season Team.
Absolutely! Regular Season Teams, at ALL levels (U5-U19), may enter into and participate in any Alberta Soccer Association sanctioned tournament that they desire.
For other details related to the Tournament Teams which ran in 2024, please visit: